Friday, March 4, 2011


I was offered a full time job today!  It is a benefits position in the corporate office for dealerships that sell motor cycles, quads, jet skis etc.  They have 22 locations and are in 5 states.  It is very close to our house and they are very flexible with scheduling.  These were two priorities in my job search or should I say strong preferences.  Although it is a coporate office, it is a casual office so jeans, capris, flip flops.  I will be starting a week from Monday.  So next week I will spend visiting a few more daycares before we make our final decision as to where the kids will be going.  I am kind of nervous about finding the right daycare since we were so lucky back home.  But I am excited to get out of the house and interact with some adults.  I think it will be good for the kids to have some friends to play with too.  Unfortunately Waco is out of town all next week for work, but the kids and I will be spending some special quality time next week before our lifestyle changes once again.  We are still planning on coming back for a visit sometime in May or June, but are going to hold off on picking dates/booking flights. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just a few funny things that our kids have done/said lately...

Last night we were getting ready for bed and Hailey wanted to cuddle.  (This is part of our nightly routine, just as her wanting to cuddle with me, then Waco, then me...and on and on to stall going to bed).  She was cuddling with Waco since I was upstairs having my alone time/adult tv time.  She then came upstairs to tell me goodnight and when I went to put her to bed she said she wanted to say goodnight to Waco again.  I let her.  An hour later I came downstairs and she was lying on the couch by herself and Waco was doing some work on the computer.  Apparently he didnt even know she was down here!  Again, one of her mastermind ways to stall going to bed!  Of course we couldnt be mad and just smiled.

This weekend for whatever reason Hailey wanted to take her clothes off.  I think she had just got done going to the bathroom and didnt want to put her pants on.  I decided to let this one go and let her do what she wanted as it was almost bathtime and I was destracted talking to one of my friends on the phone.  (Not to mention she likes to dress and undress herself).  She proceeds to ride her scooter around the kitchen naked and even tried going outside!

Tyler is already a ladys man and very popular.  When we were at Walmart the cashier said, "Oh, I remember you!  Who could forget those eyes and that smile".  Apparently she was one of our previous cashiers for our weekly trip for groceries!  Then we go next door to Fryes (Bakers/Krogers) to the bank inside and the teller said she was so excited to see him, that she looks forward to him coming in!

On a side note, Tyler now has 10 teeth and loves showing them.  (When he smiles of course, but not when you are trying to look at or count his teeth).  He loves walking and gets so excited.  Now, instead of clapping, he just walks around everywhere laughing!