Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sorry it has been a while since the last post.  I will try to think back and fill you all in on what we have been up to.

The Sleep Fairy comes about 50% of the time.  So Hailey's bedtime has improved, but still has some work.  She knows right away when she wakes up as to if her sleep fairy box has a present waiting or is empty.  She doesn't get out of bed more than two times (and this is right as we are putting her to bed) so bedtime is pretty quick. 

Waco went on a camping trip this weekend.  Tyler had the flu bug but was a trooper, just didnt eat much and when he did, couldnt keep any of it down.  But of course he was still his smiling self.  Hailey spent the night at Amy's on Friday night.  She was so excited for her sleep over and did very well.

Donna, Waco's mom was in town for almost 2 weeks.  She stayed at Brandi's most of the time to help Brandi recovery from her surgery, but we still got to see her alot and she was also able to stay a few nights with us.  Hailey loves all of her grandparents so much!  She is so happy when we have visitors and her face lights up when she talks about them.

Tyler is walking!  Both of our kids seem to have walked "later than average", but all in all I guess it doesnt really matter as they are happy and healthy.  He was taking a few steps at a time a month or two ago and then just stopped.  He started up again a few weeks ago.  Now, ever since Sunday he will take a lot more steps.  He gets so excited and gets a little ahead of himself and tries walking faster than his little tiny legs can carry him.  Now he will walk, fall, stand back up in the middle of the room, clap and start walking again.  He still has more practice to do as he will only do it on his own terms but am sure he will be chasing and passing Hailey up in no time!

I am still actively job hunting and Waco still doesnt have any news on the status of his job (and probably wont until mid summer at least).  I am still missing home like crazy and hoping that we will move back in the near future.  Grandpa Bill is coming to visit again in April and we are so excited!  We are so fortunate that my mom, my dad and Wacos mom have been able to come see us.  I am hoping that some friends will be able to at some point too.  I was originally thinking we would come visit in June, around Haileys birthday or for the 4th of July, but that seems so far away.  Plus if we come earlier, I feel like I can justify coming for another visit before the end of the year (and Tyler is 2-which means we would have to pay for 4 tickets)! So although we dont have anything booked, I am thinking we will be there sometime in May.

I need to aoplogize for if and when my blogs seem depressing or negative.  We are just a little sad and lonely.  We are thankful for what and who we do have in our lives.  Sometimes I will hear or see something that is really sad and unfortunate that makes me really think and remember how fortunate we are.  So thank you all for your love and support.

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