Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry it has been a while since we last posted.  Not much is new.  I am still waiting to hear back on my job interview.  I was their last phone interview, but I think I was the first person to come in for an in person interview.  Hopefully I will hear back early this week.  I felt good about the interview but it is always hard to tell. 

I took Hailey into the doctor today as we thought she had a UTI. Good news is she doesn't.  (Although I thought if she did, some of the "problems" we have been having lately would have an explaination).  I guess I should just accept that she is 2 and this is the way its going to be for a while.  I suppose I just need to take a deep breathe and try to relax.  I am not the most patient person, so I am trying to work on that.  The sleep fairy arrived about a week ago, but then didnt make an appearance again for several days.  Bedtime is getting better.  She now only gets upset for a few minutes.  The sleep fairy came again 2 nights ago.  I am not sure she truly went to bed on her own.  She was waiting in her bad for me to come read to her and fell asleep.  We decided to leave something from the sleep fairy anway as positive reinforcement so that maybe she would think, hey, if I go to bed maybe I will get another treat. 

I was haivng an "off" day again yesterday and got emotional.  I think Waco felt bad and told me that if our taxes turn out decent then we could look into coming home for a visit even if I don't get this job.  So keep your fingers crossed that we get a nice return.  So far it looks good, but we have to still add in some things for our rental property.  Its a little more complicated than it sounds since we pay a mortgage there and get to claim the interest we pay on the house, but then have our address here.

Hailey is excited that Grandma Donna is coming to visit today.  She will be so happy to see her.  Although I am not quite sure she understands that she wont be staying at our house like Grandma DeeDee or Grandpa Bill did.  (We will get to see her, but she will be staying at Brandi's as she is having surgery).

Tyler is now starting to try and take things from Hailey.  It is hard to teach him not to since he is still so little AND he learns it from Hailey.  I just find it somewhat entertaining because Hailey gets upset but it is payback for the million times she has done it to him.  The other day she had his Buzz Light Year walking/push car.  She fell off of it (not hard and didnt hurt herself) and as she was getting up, Tyler crawled over there (he crawls REALLY fast), stands up and pretty much takes off running with it.  She got mad but it was so funny to see and wish I would have had the video camera!

I hope everyone is staying warm.  We love and miss you all!  Take care.

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