Saturday, January 29, 2011


Our day started off at 5:45 this morning!  Tyler woke up bright and early and wanted to play so of course Hailey got up too.  It was a rough start for me as they usually both sleep until closer to 8.  We managed and Tyler took his first nap at 9.  Then we all took a nap after lunch.  On top of waking up really early, I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed too.  I was crabby.  Today was one of those days I really miss home.  Of course I miss it all the time but some days are worse than others.  It is just so hard not knowing or having anyone other than Amy and Brandi.  Dont get me wrong, they do so much for us.  But they have other things to do and other people to see other than us everyweek.  Not to mention the 45 minute drive.  It would be so nice just to be able to drive 10 minutes to a friend or familys house to visit and hang out or have dinner at the last minute.

Waco, the kids and I all went to Sea Life tonight.  It is similar to the aquarium in Omaha.  She really enjoyed it-especially since Finding Nemo is one of her favorite movies now.  I think Tyler liked it too.  He was kicking his feet the entire time we were there.  I will be excited to take him swimming this summer-I think that he will love the water.  Speaking of swimming, we bought swimsuits the other day.  I know it seems early but keep in mind it is in the 70s here right now and will probably be swimming weather by April.  We bought the kids 2 suits each, 1 for home and 1 for Amy's house since they have a pool.  Hailey insisted on the suit she wanted and was very vocal about which ones she didn't want.  This will be frustrating at times in the future I am sure, but also helpful as I am usually pretty indecisive when it comes to picking clothes and colors.  Tyler drank from a straw for the first time tonight (I think he knew it was a fruit smoothe).

Although the day didnt start off the best, it ended up with an ok ending.  We love and miss everyone more than words can describe.  I cant wait to come home to visit, but unfortunately dont know when that will be.  Originally I was thinking spring and that may happen, but think it would be nice to come home around Haileys birthday or 4th of July.  Of course I would love to do both, but we wont be able to do that.  I will keep everyone updated once we decide.

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