Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today was not a very good day.  Hailey had #2 accidents twice today (she has not had any in over 5 months).  I would have sworn she was going deaf as she didn't listen to me at all today and nap time was as bad as bedtime has been.  After a very difficult night of trying to get her to go to bed last night I posted my frustrations on Facebook and got some very needed friendly advice/suggestions.  I know that we need to be consistent and not give in, but it is easier said than done.  However, as silly as it sounds, this is the first big "problem" we have had.  Both of our kids have never had problems going to bed, don't throw obnoxious fits, and didnt have any stuggles of getting rid of pacifiers or bottles.  (I am now having anxiety and frustrations of whats ahead of us for the next 16 years)!  At nap time I told her she could lay in her bed and look at books, she didnt have to sleep it was just quiet time (however, I knew she would end up falling asleep).  Of course she came running after me crying.  I walked her back to her room and told her that I wasnt going to tell her again, it was quiet time and she need to stay in her room.  She proceeded to follow me and cry five more times.  Except I took her hand, walked her back to her room and left without saying anything.  The fifth time I told her that if she got out of bed again I was going to put up the baby gate.  She cried for a few minutes and fell fast asleep.  I told Waco that I need his support sticking to this 110% (as he was the one who gave in to her last night).  So this is going to be our focus for the next week or two...or three.  We do have a special treat for her (Giant Toy Story Coloring Pages) that she can have when she can go to bed like a big girl.  She knows what it is, I have it sitting on the table and we talk about it.  We are also ordering a book called The Sleep Fairy that a friend recommeded.  The Sleep Fairy is similar to the Tooth Fairy.  She brings you treats (very small ones)-a sticker, a hair bow, fruit snacks).  I know it may sound bad as it is kind of like bribing, but I feel better doing this than letting her cry it out or giving in.  It would be every night for a week or two and then slowly tapper off.  I will keep you all updated.

No new news on Tyler, he is just a smiley and happy as always!  (Thank Goodness)!

I didnt plan on writting this much tonight so I will try to write an update on the job search tomorrow.

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