Monday, January 24, 2011


I decided to create a blog to keep everyone updated on a weekly, if not daily basis.  I will post pictures, talk about activities, new accomplishments and funny quotes from the kids or even to vent when I am having a bad day.  Please remember I am not a good speller and have never been gramatically correct.  I have tried my best to keep in touch with phone calls, emails and pictures but thought this would be a fun way to stay in touch and keep everyone updated without forgetting things.  I am also not the most tech savy so my blog isn't very fancy...yet.  You will see changes/adjustments as I add most posts.  I have good intentions stay on top of this, but not sure how long it will last.  Kind of like a New Years Resolution with a late start.  I believe you can either just occassionally check the site ( or subscribe as a follower and receive an email notification whenever we make new posts.

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