Friday, January 28, 2011


Who would think that when you aren't working, you would be excited for Friday?!  The kids and I look forward to the weekends because we have more time to spend with Waco.  The weekends just seem to be a little more relaxed. We usually get to do something "fun" and a lot of times end up spending time with Amy and sometimes Brandi.

Bedtime is not quite to 100% yet, but definetly better.  Last night Hailey got out of bed 3-4 times so we had to end up putting up the gate.  Tonight she got up 3 times but when I put her back to bed and explained that if  she got up again I would have to put the gate up, Sleeping Beauty went to bed.  She has really developed quite the personality.  Waco, Hailey and I watched The Incredibles when Tyler went to bed.  We were all cuddling on the couch and she was rubbing my back and stroking my hair (like I often do to her).  She took a toy away from Tyler today and when I told her she needed to give it back to him, she instead gave him a different toy.  I explained to her she needed to give him back to the toy she took from him.  She told me he didnt want it anymore, he wanted a new toy.

The kids and I went shopping this afternoon.  I told Hailey we were going to Kohls, she got so excited.  Then when we got there she said she didn't like it, she wanted to go to her friend Cole's house. ; ( I am excited for her to start going to daycare so she can meet some new friends to play with.  Tyler got lots of attention at the store.  Then again he always does.  He smiles at everyone and his eyes twinkle.  I am not just being a biast mom, people really do stop to talk to him everywhere we go.  I really hope that he grows into a happy boy and man.  His smile and personality just light up a room.

There was a knock at the door tonight right before we had dinner.  It was a young girl (12ish) that asked if she could use our phone.  I was a little hesitant as Tyler was sleeping and Waco wasnt home.  She didnt tell me who she was or why she needed to use it.  I stalled and probed a bit, and Waco pulled up with dinner just in time.  Apparently she was locked out or didnt have a key and her mom wasnt home.  Waco let her use his phone and let her come in until her mom came home.  We hadnt met her before (only the party boys on one side, the pot head on the other side, and the nice neighbors across the street that seem to want to push religion and politics on us).  It was a little ackward.  She told us her and a friend took the bus home and then walked to WalMart for some snacks.  When they got home, the door was locked/no one was home so they went to the park for a while.  They came back again and her mom was gone so her friend went home and she sat on the porch.  She said she fell asleep and woke up and it was cold and dark.  She told us she had a 8 year old brother and a 3 year old brother.  I asked if her 3 year old brother went to daycare and she said no my Grandma watched him.  I said, "Oh, thats nice" and she said "Yeah, I think he is in Mexico right now".  I dont know, it all just seemed a little strange to me.  I guess the point of me sharing this is we were just getting ready to eat dinner so I asked her if she wanted any and she said no.  I felt bad eatting in front of her so I decided to wait.  Hailey later said she was hungry so I told the girl she was more than welcome to eat with us and she finally decided to eat.  Waco later said that I was Mother Teresa-I found this funny but sad.

I wanted to backtrack to my blog JOB UPDATE.  I failed to mention the reason I was so upset about how it was handled is because I truly felt she was discriminating against me because I disclosed I had children.
I did get a call back from the company that I interviewed with yesterday and they would like me to come in to interview in person (the first interview was with the agency that will be placing me and the second one was a phone interview with the company).  They have not scheduled a day or time yet, but it will be sometime next week.

No big plans for the weekend.  Waco and I might take the kids to Sea Life sometime this weekend.  I may not post this weekend but plan to add some pictures within the next few days.

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