Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The kids and I had a pretty uneventful day.  We went to the grocery store, which is about as exciting as a week day gets for us.  Although that is pretty exciting for them because the ladies at the bank always give them suckers. (Shhh, don't tell Waco.  He doesn't like them to have them because of the sugar and I agree, however, it makes the hour in the store with 2 kids much more bearable for all three of us, as well as everyone else in the store). 

After giving Hailey a glass of milk today, she told me she loved me and that I was so pretty.  She ate all of her dinner and asked for more.  (This is good as she hasn't been eating the best lately).  Waco had a long day at work so wasn't able to eat dinner with us.  She wanted to call him to tell him that she ate her dinner all gone.  He told her that when he gets home they could share a bowl of ice cream.  After they hung up, she said Daddy is so nice...I think I love him alot!  I am hoping that the bowl of ice cream satisfies her enough that she will go to bed easily.  We have been lucky thus far that both of our kids have always gone to bed easily on their own and sleep through the night.  For some reason, at age 2 1/2, Hailey is regressing in the sleeping area.  Ever since Grandma DeeDee left town (sorry Mom), Hailey decided she wants to keep her door open and a night light on.  We were fine with that, BUT then a few weeks ago she started getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room.  As much as I like to cuddle with her, I did not let her sleep with us, so I compromised and layed on her floor next to her until she feel asleep.  Several nights and a back ache later,  I decided I couldn't continue doing that either.  So now, as soon as we put her to bed, no later than walking put of her room, she comes running out of her room crying.  We will read stories, get a drink of water, rub her back and nothing works.  She continues to do this until she gets so tired she just zonks out.  We told her that if she could go to bed and stays in her bed until morning time she would get a present.  Well last night would have been night 3 but she had a meltdown so we are back to square one.

Speaking of bedtime, Hailey and I had a discussion about dreams.  She asked what a dream was.  I told her its when you go to bed and are sleeping, sometimes you dream-kind of like a story or movie.  She said, oh kind of like I do about Grandpa Bill?!

Well I think I will end for today.  Unless something extra good happens tomorrow that I can't resist sharing, I will update everyone on my job search.

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