Thursday, January 27, 2011


For those of you that haven't heard, I was offered and accepted a job early last week.  Although the hours and the pay weren't great, it was close to home, a good company (or so I thought) and I felt that I would have enjoyed the job.  After I accepted the job, I asked the hiring manager on rare occassion, when my husband goes out of town on business would I be able to leave at 5:30 to pick up our kids as most daycares close at 6.  I reassured her that he would be picking up the kids majority of the time and when he does travel (every couple of months) we know well in advance and I would of course make up the hours by coming in early.  She said that would be fine as there would be times when I would need to stay late so it would all work itself out.  A few days later (AFTER the offer was made and accepted) she called me to say she was recending (taking back) the job offer.  I was in shock!  I have heard of this happening but usually when someone doesnt pass their drug test of criminal background check (which I KNOW I passed with flying colors).  She said it was because I asked about leaving early and she really needed someone to be there 9-6.  I reassured her AGAIN that it wouldn't be very often, and we were actually in the process of visiting a daycare that had later hours.  She said, to be honest if I knew your situation earlier, I wouldnt have brought you in for a final interview and I was to big of a risk to hire!  (Did I forget to mention when I went in for the first interview I knew she would be a B to work for.  She also had said they had 2 people not work out in the last year....I am pretty sure that was because of her and not them.  Not that it matters, but I also think that work is her life and she has no family and friends outside of work).  This was a family owned company too.  I asked her if John (who was the VP) and the HR manager (who works in a different city) knew about this as I didn't think it was the right way of handling this.  She assured me they did and were ok with it.  I told her I was very disappointed and I thought a more appropriate way of handling it would have been to call me and say how important the hours were and that they could not be flexible, was I still interested and would I be able to committ to that.  After many tears and a rough nights sleep I decided to call the HR Manager who I had never met to express my disappointment.  She had no idea who I was or what had happened!  She assured me that she was going to call John (whom I had also interviewed with), the VP and disciplinary actions were going to be taken with the hiring manager.  I am in the process of writting him a letter to ensure he does know.  I did tell her that I wasn't sure why I was even calling as my family and I had decided this wouldnt be a good fit for me anyway (not just because of the hours and pay, but more so how it was handled).  Waco later told me that he had been thinking about the job and how he was going to talk to me and have me call them to say I wasn't going to be able to work there anyway.  Yes, some extra money is better than none, but when factoring in what they were going to pay me versus what we would pay in daycare on top of the hours, it was not worth it to us.

I guess things do happen for a reason.  That same day I got a phone call about another job.  It is through a staffing company hiring for another company (and it is a direct hire as in regular ongoing employment versus a temp job).  It is a software educational development company that is about 10 minutes away and the pay is much better.  I have my second interview this afternoon.

Last night bedtime was not fun.  Hailey got out of her bed several times so we put up the baby gate in her doorway. She cried even harder (I will not say for how long to avoid criticism).  The crying would get quieter and even stop, but then she would go at it again.  Finally she said she had to go to the bathroom.  I believed her as I don't think she understands how to play that game...yet.  So I took the gate off and took her potty.  After that she said please don't put the gate up mommy.  I told her ok, I will keep the gate down if you can stay in your bed.  She said ok and off to bed she went, no crying and didnt get out of bed until this morning.


  1. hi Jana, its its Sam, for everyone who didn't know (which i am sure you didn't) i am Janas niece

  2. Hi Sam! Of course they all know who you are! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Be sure you click on Follow and enter your email address. Then, whenever I post something you will get an email to read it. Love and miss you lots!
