Friday, March 4, 2011


I was offered a full time job today!  It is a benefits position in the corporate office for dealerships that sell motor cycles, quads, jet skis etc.  They have 22 locations and are in 5 states.  It is very close to our house and they are very flexible with scheduling.  These were two priorities in my job search or should I say strong preferences.  Although it is a coporate office, it is a casual office so jeans, capris, flip flops.  I will be starting a week from Monday.  So next week I will spend visiting a few more daycares before we make our final decision as to where the kids will be going.  I am kind of nervous about finding the right daycare since we were so lucky back home.  But I am excited to get out of the house and interact with some adults.  I think it will be good for the kids to have some friends to play with too.  Unfortunately Waco is out of town all next week for work, but the kids and I will be spending some special quality time next week before our lifestyle changes once again.  We are still planning on coming back for a visit sometime in May or June, but are going to hold off on picking dates/booking flights. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just a few funny things that our kids have done/said lately...

Last night we were getting ready for bed and Hailey wanted to cuddle.  (This is part of our nightly routine, just as her wanting to cuddle with me, then Waco, then me...and on and on to stall going to bed).  She was cuddling with Waco since I was upstairs having my alone time/adult tv time.  She then came upstairs to tell me goodnight and when I went to put her to bed she said she wanted to say goodnight to Waco again.  I let her.  An hour later I came downstairs and she was lying on the couch by herself and Waco was doing some work on the computer.  Apparently he didnt even know she was down here!  Again, one of her mastermind ways to stall going to bed!  Of course we couldnt be mad and just smiled.

This weekend for whatever reason Hailey wanted to take her clothes off.  I think she had just got done going to the bathroom and didnt want to put her pants on.  I decided to let this one go and let her do what she wanted as it was almost bathtime and I was destracted talking to one of my friends on the phone.  (Not to mention she likes to dress and undress herself).  She proceeds to ride her scooter around the kitchen naked and even tried going outside!

Tyler is already a ladys man and very popular.  When we were at Walmart the cashier said, "Oh, I remember you!  Who could forget those eyes and that smile".  Apparently she was one of our previous cashiers for our weekly trip for groceries!  Then we go next door to Fryes (Bakers/Krogers) to the bank inside and the teller said she was so excited to see him, that she looks forward to him coming in!

On a side note, Tyler now has 10 teeth and loves showing them.  (When he smiles of course, but not when you are trying to look at or count his teeth).  He loves walking and gets so excited.  Now, instead of clapping, he just walks around everywhere laughing!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sorry it has been a while since the last post.  I will try to think back and fill you all in on what we have been up to.

The Sleep Fairy comes about 50% of the time.  So Hailey's bedtime has improved, but still has some work.  She knows right away when she wakes up as to if her sleep fairy box has a present waiting or is empty.  She doesn't get out of bed more than two times (and this is right as we are putting her to bed) so bedtime is pretty quick. 

Waco went on a camping trip this weekend.  Tyler had the flu bug but was a trooper, just didnt eat much and when he did, couldnt keep any of it down.  But of course he was still his smiling self.  Hailey spent the night at Amy's on Friday night.  She was so excited for her sleep over and did very well.

Donna, Waco's mom was in town for almost 2 weeks.  She stayed at Brandi's most of the time to help Brandi recovery from her surgery, but we still got to see her alot and she was also able to stay a few nights with us.  Hailey loves all of her grandparents so much!  She is so happy when we have visitors and her face lights up when she talks about them.

Tyler is walking!  Both of our kids seem to have walked "later than average", but all in all I guess it doesnt really matter as they are happy and healthy.  He was taking a few steps at a time a month or two ago and then just stopped.  He started up again a few weeks ago.  Now, ever since Sunday he will take a lot more steps.  He gets so excited and gets a little ahead of himself and tries walking faster than his little tiny legs can carry him.  Now he will walk, fall, stand back up in the middle of the room, clap and start walking again.  He still has more practice to do as he will only do it on his own terms but am sure he will be chasing and passing Hailey up in no time!

I am still actively job hunting and Waco still doesnt have any news on the status of his job (and probably wont until mid summer at least).  I am still missing home like crazy and hoping that we will move back in the near future.  Grandpa Bill is coming to visit again in April and we are so excited!  We are so fortunate that my mom, my dad and Wacos mom have been able to come see us.  I am hoping that some friends will be able to at some point too.  I was originally thinking we would come visit in June, around Haileys birthday or for the 4th of July, but that seems so far away.  Plus if we come earlier, I feel like I can justify coming for another visit before the end of the year (and Tyler is 2-which means we would have to pay for 4 tickets)! So although we dont have anything booked, I am thinking we will be there sometime in May.

I need to aoplogize for if and when my blogs seem depressing or negative.  We are just a little sad and lonely.  We are thankful for what and who we do have in our lives.  Sometimes I will hear or see something that is really sad and unfortunate that makes me really think and remember how fortunate we are.  So thank you all for your love and support.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry it has been a while since we last posted.  Not much is new.  I am still waiting to hear back on my job interview.  I was their last phone interview, but I think I was the first person to come in for an in person interview.  Hopefully I will hear back early this week.  I felt good about the interview but it is always hard to tell. 

I took Hailey into the doctor today as we thought she had a UTI. Good news is she doesn't.  (Although I thought if she did, some of the "problems" we have been having lately would have an explaination).  I guess I should just accept that she is 2 and this is the way its going to be for a while.  I suppose I just need to take a deep breathe and try to relax.  I am not the most patient person, so I am trying to work on that.  The sleep fairy arrived about a week ago, but then didnt make an appearance again for several days.  Bedtime is getting better.  She now only gets upset for a few minutes.  The sleep fairy came again 2 nights ago.  I am not sure she truly went to bed on her own.  She was waiting in her bad for me to come read to her and fell asleep.  We decided to leave something from the sleep fairy anway as positive reinforcement so that maybe she would think, hey, if I go to bed maybe I will get another treat. 

I was haivng an "off" day again yesterday and got emotional.  I think Waco felt bad and told me that if our taxes turn out decent then we could look into coming home for a visit even if I don't get this job.  So keep your fingers crossed that we get a nice return.  So far it looks good, but we have to still add in some things for our rental property.  Its a little more complicated than it sounds since we pay a mortgage there and get to claim the interest we pay on the house, but then have our address here.

Hailey is excited that Grandma Donna is coming to visit today.  She will be so happy to see her.  Although I am not quite sure she understands that she wont be staying at our house like Grandma DeeDee or Grandpa Bill did.  (We will get to see her, but she will be staying at Brandi's as she is having surgery).

Tyler is now starting to try and take things from Hailey.  It is hard to teach him not to since he is still so little AND he learns it from Hailey.  I just find it somewhat entertaining because Hailey gets upset but it is payback for the million times she has done it to him.  The other day she had his Buzz Light Year walking/push car.  She fell off of it (not hard and didnt hurt herself) and as she was getting up, Tyler crawled over there (he crawls REALLY fast), stands up and pretty much takes off running with it.  She got mad but it was so funny to see and wish I would have had the video camera!

I hope everyone is staying warm.  We love and miss you all!  Take care.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Our day started off at 5:45 this morning!  Tyler woke up bright and early and wanted to play so of course Hailey got up too.  It was a rough start for me as they usually both sleep until closer to 8.  We managed and Tyler took his first nap at 9.  Then we all took a nap after lunch.  On top of waking up really early, I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed too.  I was crabby.  Today was one of those days I really miss home.  Of course I miss it all the time but some days are worse than others.  It is just so hard not knowing or having anyone other than Amy and Brandi.  Dont get me wrong, they do so much for us.  But they have other things to do and other people to see other than us everyweek.  Not to mention the 45 minute drive.  It would be so nice just to be able to drive 10 minutes to a friend or familys house to visit and hang out or have dinner at the last minute.

Waco, the kids and I all went to Sea Life tonight.  It is similar to the aquarium in Omaha.  She really enjoyed it-especially since Finding Nemo is one of her favorite movies now.  I think Tyler liked it too.  He was kicking his feet the entire time we were there.  I will be excited to take him swimming this summer-I think that he will love the water.  Speaking of swimming, we bought swimsuits the other day.  I know it seems early but keep in mind it is in the 70s here right now and will probably be swimming weather by April.  We bought the kids 2 suits each, 1 for home and 1 for Amy's house since they have a pool.  Hailey insisted on the suit she wanted and was very vocal about which ones she didn't want.  This will be frustrating at times in the future I am sure, but also helpful as I am usually pretty indecisive when it comes to picking clothes and colors.  Tyler drank from a straw for the first time tonight (I think he knew it was a fruit smoothe).

Although the day didnt start off the best, it ended up with an ok ending.  We love and miss everyone more than words can describe.  I cant wait to come home to visit, but unfortunately dont know when that will be.  Originally I was thinking spring and that may happen, but think it would be nice to come home around Haileys birthday or 4th of July.  Of course I would love to do both, but we wont be able to do that.  I will keep everyone updated once we decide.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Who would think that when you aren't working, you would be excited for Friday?!  The kids and I look forward to the weekends because we have more time to spend with Waco.  The weekends just seem to be a little more relaxed. We usually get to do something "fun" and a lot of times end up spending time with Amy and sometimes Brandi.

Bedtime is not quite to 100% yet, but definetly better.  Last night Hailey got out of bed 3-4 times so we had to end up putting up the gate.  Tonight she got up 3 times but when I put her back to bed and explained that if  she got up again I would have to put the gate up, Sleeping Beauty went to bed.  She has really developed quite the personality.  Waco, Hailey and I watched The Incredibles when Tyler went to bed.  We were all cuddling on the couch and she was rubbing my back and stroking my hair (like I often do to her).  She took a toy away from Tyler today and when I told her she needed to give it back to him, she instead gave him a different toy.  I explained to her she needed to give him back to the toy she took from him.  She told me he didnt want it anymore, he wanted a new toy.

The kids and I went shopping this afternoon.  I told Hailey we were going to Kohls, she got so excited.  Then when we got there she said she didn't like it, she wanted to go to her friend Cole's house. ; ( I am excited for her to start going to daycare so she can meet some new friends to play with.  Tyler got lots of attention at the store.  Then again he always does.  He smiles at everyone and his eyes twinkle.  I am not just being a biast mom, people really do stop to talk to him everywhere we go.  I really hope that he grows into a happy boy and man.  His smile and personality just light up a room.

There was a knock at the door tonight right before we had dinner.  It was a young girl (12ish) that asked if she could use our phone.  I was a little hesitant as Tyler was sleeping and Waco wasnt home.  She didnt tell me who she was or why she needed to use it.  I stalled and probed a bit, and Waco pulled up with dinner just in time.  Apparently she was locked out or didnt have a key and her mom wasnt home.  Waco let her use his phone and let her come in until her mom came home.  We hadnt met her before (only the party boys on one side, the pot head on the other side, and the nice neighbors across the street that seem to want to push religion and politics on us).  It was a little ackward.  She told us her and a friend took the bus home and then walked to WalMart for some snacks.  When they got home, the door was locked/no one was home so they went to the park for a while.  They came back again and her mom was gone so her friend went home and she sat on the porch.  She said she fell asleep and woke up and it was cold and dark.  She told us she had a 8 year old brother and a 3 year old brother.  I asked if her 3 year old brother went to daycare and she said no my Grandma watched him.  I said, "Oh, thats nice" and she said "Yeah, I think he is in Mexico right now".  I dont know, it all just seemed a little strange to me.  I guess the point of me sharing this is we were just getting ready to eat dinner so I asked her if she wanted any and she said no.  I felt bad eatting in front of her so I decided to wait.  Hailey later said she was hungry so I told the girl she was more than welcome to eat with us and she finally decided to eat.  Waco later said that I was Mother Teresa-I found this funny but sad.

I wanted to backtrack to my blog JOB UPDATE.  I failed to mention the reason I was so upset about how it was handled is because I truly felt she was discriminating against me because I disclosed I had children.
I did get a call back from the company that I interviewed with yesterday and they would like me to come in to interview in person (the first interview was with the agency that will be placing me and the second one was a phone interview with the company).  They have not scheduled a day or time yet, but it will be sometime next week.

No big plans for the weekend.  Waco and I might take the kids to Sea Life sometime this weekend.  I may not post this weekend but plan to add some pictures within the next few days.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


For those of you that haven't heard, I was offered and accepted a job early last week.  Although the hours and the pay weren't great, it was close to home, a good company (or so I thought) and I felt that I would have enjoyed the job.  After I accepted the job, I asked the hiring manager on rare occassion, when my husband goes out of town on business would I be able to leave at 5:30 to pick up our kids as most daycares close at 6.  I reassured her that he would be picking up the kids majority of the time and when he does travel (every couple of months) we know well in advance and I would of course make up the hours by coming in early.  She said that would be fine as there would be times when I would need to stay late so it would all work itself out.  A few days later (AFTER the offer was made and accepted) she called me to say she was recending (taking back) the job offer.  I was in shock!  I have heard of this happening but usually when someone doesnt pass their drug test of criminal background check (which I KNOW I passed with flying colors).  She said it was because I asked about leaving early and she really needed someone to be there 9-6.  I reassured her AGAIN that it wouldn't be very often, and we were actually in the process of visiting a daycare that had later hours.  She said, to be honest if I knew your situation earlier, I wouldnt have brought you in for a final interview and I was to big of a risk to hire!  (Did I forget to mention when I went in for the first interview I knew she would be a B to work for.  She also had said they had 2 people not work out in the last year....I am pretty sure that was because of her and not them.  Not that it matters, but I also think that work is her life and she has no family and friends outside of work).  This was a family owned company too.  I asked her if John (who was the VP) and the HR manager (who works in a different city) knew about this as I didn't think it was the right way of handling this.  She assured me they did and were ok with it.  I told her I was very disappointed and I thought a more appropriate way of handling it would have been to call me and say how important the hours were and that they could not be flexible, was I still interested and would I be able to committ to that.  After many tears and a rough nights sleep I decided to call the HR Manager who I had never met to express my disappointment.  She had no idea who I was or what had happened!  She assured me that she was going to call John (whom I had also interviewed with), the VP and disciplinary actions were going to be taken with the hiring manager.  I am in the process of writting him a letter to ensure he does know.  I did tell her that I wasn't sure why I was even calling as my family and I had decided this wouldnt be a good fit for me anyway (not just because of the hours and pay, but more so how it was handled).  Waco later told me that he had been thinking about the job and how he was going to talk to me and have me call them to say I wasn't going to be able to work there anyway.  Yes, some extra money is better than none, but when factoring in what they were going to pay me versus what we would pay in daycare on top of the hours, it was not worth it to us.

I guess things do happen for a reason.  That same day I got a phone call about another job.  It is through a staffing company hiring for another company (and it is a direct hire as in regular ongoing employment versus a temp job).  It is a software educational development company that is about 10 minutes away and the pay is much better.  I have my second interview this afternoon.

Last night bedtime was not fun.  Hailey got out of her bed several times so we put up the baby gate in her doorway. She cried even harder (I will not say for how long to avoid criticism).  The crying would get quieter and even stop, but then she would go at it again.  Finally she said she had to go to the bathroom.  I believed her as I don't think she understands how to play that game...yet.  So I took the gate off and took her potty.  After that she said please don't put the gate up mommy.  I told her ok, I will keep the gate down if you can stay in your bed.  She said ok and off to bed she went, no crying and didnt get out of bed until this morning.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today was not a very good day.  Hailey had #2 accidents twice today (she has not had any in over 5 months).  I would have sworn she was going deaf as she didn't listen to me at all today and nap time was as bad as bedtime has been.  After a very difficult night of trying to get her to go to bed last night I posted my frustrations on Facebook and got some very needed friendly advice/suggestions.  I know that we need to be consistent and not give in, but it is easier said than done.  However, as silly as it sounds, this is the first big "problem" we have had.  Both of our kids have never had problems going to bed, don't throw obnoxious fits, and didnt have any stuggles of getting rid of pacifiers or bottles.  (I am now having anxiety and frustrations of whats ahead of us for the next 16 years)!  At nap time I told her she could lay in her bed and look at books, she didnt have to sleep it was just quiet time (however, I knew she would end up falling asleep).  Of course she came running after me crying.  I walked her back to her room and told her that I wasnt going to tell her again, it was quiet time and she need to stay in her room.  She proceeded to follow me and cry five more times.  Except I took her hand, walked her back to her room and left without saying anything.  The fifth time I told her that if she got out of bed again I was going to put up the baby gate.  She cried for a few minutes and fell fast asleep.  I told Waco that I need his support sticking to this 110% (as he was the one who gave in to her last night).  So this is going to be our focus for the next week or two...or three.  We do have a special treat for her (Giant Toy Story Coloring Pages) that she can have when she can go to bed like a big girl.  She knows what it is, I have it sitting on the table and we talk about it.  We are also ordering a book called The Sleep Fairy that a friend recommeded.  The Sleep Fairy is similar to the Tooth Fairy.  She brings you treats (very small ones)-a sticker, a hair bow, fruit snacks).  I know it may sound bad as it is kind of like bribing, but I feel better doing this than letting her cry it out or giving in.  It would be every night for a week or two and then slowly tapper off.  I will keep you all updated.

No new news on Tyler, he is just a smiley and happy as always!  (Thank Goodness)!

I didnt plan on writting this much tonight so I will try to write an update on the job search tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The kids and I had a pretty uneventful day.  We went to the grocery store, which is about as exciting as a week day gets for us.  Although that is pretty exciting for them because the ladies at the bank always give them suckers. (Shhh, don't tell Waco.  He doesn't like them to have them because of the sugar and I agree, however, it makes the hour in the store with 2 kids much more bearable for all three of us, as well as everyone else in the store). 

After giving Hailey a glass of milk today, she told me she loved me and that I was so pretty.  She ate all of her dinner and asked for more.  (This is good as she hasn't been eating the best lately).  Waco had a long day at work so wasn't able to eat dinner with us.  She wanted to call him to tell him that she ate her dinner all gone.  He told her that when he gets home they could share a bowl of ice cream.  After they hung up, she said Daddy is so nice...I think I love him alot!  I am hoping that the bowl of ice cream satisfies her enough that she will go to bed easily.  We have been lucky thus far that both of our kids have always gone to bed easily on their own and sleep through the night.  For some reason, at age 2 1/2, Hailey is regressing in the sleeping area.  Ever since Grandma DeeDee left town (sorry Mom), Hailey decided she wants to keep her door open and a night light on.  We were fine with that, BUT then a few weeks ago she started getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room.  As much as I like to cuddle with her, I did not let her sleep with us, so I compromised and layed on her floor next to her until she feel asleep.  Several nights and a back ache later,  I decided I couldn't continue doing that either.  So now, as soon as we put her to bed, no later than walking put of her room, she comes running out of her room crying.  We will read stories, get a drink of water, rub her back and nothing works.  She continues to do this until she gets so tired she just zonks out.  We told her that if she could go to bed and stays in her bed until morning time she would get a present.  Well last night would have been night 3 but she had a meltdown so we are back to square one.

Speaking of bedtime, Hailey and I had a discussion about dreams.  She asked what a dream was.  I told her its when you go to bed and are sleeping, sometimes you dream-kind of like a story or movie.  She said, oh kind of like I do about Grandpa Bill?!

Well I think I will end for today.  Unless something extra good happens tomorrow that I can't resist sharing, I will update everyone on my job search.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I decided to create a blog to keep everyone updated on a weekly, if not daily basis.  I will post pictures, talk about activities, new accomplishments and funny quotes from the kids or even to vent when I am having a bad day.  Please remember I am not a good speller and have never been gramatically correct.  I have tried my best to keep in touch with phone calls, emails and pictures but thought this would be a fun way to stay in touch and keep everyone updated without forgetting things.  I am also not the most tech savy so my blog isn't very fancy...yet.  You will see changes/adjustments as I add most posts.  I have good intentions stay on top of this, but not sure how long it will last.  Kind of like a New Years Resolution with a late start.  I believe you can either just occassionally check the site ( or subscribe as a follower and receive an email notification whenever we make new posts.